Our program consists of intensive training to learn skills in becoming a counselor and a leader, and afford the opportunity to apply for a junior counselor position the following summer. Both programs receive the same instruction/training, with the only differences being the duration of time at camp, and cost.
A six week session (Weeks 1 – 6, June 29-August 9) with an option to remain for Week 7 to take part in a lifeguard training (LGT) course. The cost for 2025 is $1800.00 for CIT, and $350.00 for the LGT course.
Leadership + Service Trainee
A four week session (Weeks 1-4, June 29-July 26) with an option to return for Week 7 to take part in a lifeguard training (LGT) course. The cost for 2025 is $1200.00, and $350.00 for the LGT course
Applicants should turn 16 years old in the calendar year of the summer for which they are applying, and typically will be finishing their sophomore year of high school. It is also recommended that applicants register for Resident Camp in the event they are not accepted into a Leadership Training program. The resident camp tuition deposit can be transferred to the leadership training tuition.
Applications for Summer 2025 are LIVE! The application can be filled out and submitted on line. TWO REFERENCE FORMS need to be distributed from the web site, given to (1) a teacher, employer, guidance counselor, or coach and (2) your pastor or someone who knows you on a spiritual level. The people completing the references can submit them directly through the Google Form.
Interviews take place from December through February. Notification of acceptance into one of the programs occurs in the middle of March.
"I still use the skills I learned in 1988 (during my CIT summer) as I lead my staff meetings and connect with new clients."
Reference Forms
This is the reference form in a Google Form you will need to give to your pastor/spiritual advisor and your teacher/guidance counselor/employer/coach to have them complete. It is Calumet’s policy that we have two references for each person on file for each year of application. Applications are not considered complete until BOTH references have been received at Calumet!
Please copy the reference form link, and provide them to those who will serve as your references.