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Resident Camp 2024

Registration for Calumet's Resident Camp for Kids is open -- and we are inviting any and all kids ages 8 - 15 to attend camp for a week or two. Whether it's the first time or it's a plan for a return visit -- we are excited for your camper's planned visit for Summer 2024.

Boom Chicka Move

Boom Chicka Move -- 2024! Join the effort to be active this summer and to help Calumet at the same time! An 800 registrant goal ... a 151,000 mile goal ... a $53,000 dollar goal -- all by August 31. Can you help?

Boom Chicka Move is the annual program that has the most participation of all of our ministry experiences. Being more active is good for the heart, the mind, the soul, and the world. For just $25, an individual can be part of a larger community made up of folks from Calumet Nation and have their miles count toward the huge 151K goal. Some will walk, some will run, some will hike, some will cycle, and some will do a little bit of all those activities. A registrant can sign up as late as August 30 (and then retroactively report their summer mileage!). The last day for mileage is August 31.

Every mile counts and Calumet needs as many as possible to participate. Learn more by clicking the button below.

Paula Kent Award for Social Justice 2024

Nominations Open!

Search: Associate Executive Director

The Board and Karl have shifted their sense of Calumet's needs and a new position is now posted. See the details on "Associate Executive Director."

What's This About Christian Nationalism?

The ELCA's Presiding Bishop has spoken out against Christian Nationalism and encourages Lutherans to know who we are. Be part of conversations at Calumet on AUG 19, AUG 20, and AUG 21.

Fruits & Roots

OCT 7-10

This mid-week retreat hosted by Deacon Judy Smith will focus entirely on the Fruit-of-the-Spirit -- PEACE! Be part of this mid-week event in the Autumn. Nearly 40 participants gathered for the retreat on JOY in April!

Boom Chicka News -- Monthly E-News

Every month, the Boom Chicka News is updated for Calumet Nation to know what's going on, how to participate, who among us is in need of prayer, what programs are coming up, and anything else that is for the good of the community. We send a message each month via email, but it's *ALWAYS* found at the very top of the homepage. 


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